This post will explore the synergy between three such tools: Ollama, Apache Camel and LangChain4j.
In this post
Setting Up the Development Environment.
To begin this tutorial, you will need:
- Ollama. Provides a way to run large language models (LLMs) locally. You can run many models such as LLama3, Mistral, CodeLlama and many others on your machine, with full CPU and GPU support.
- Visual Studio Code. With Kaoto, Java and Quarkus plugins installed.
- OpenJDK 21
- Maven
- Quarkus 3.16
- Quarkus Dev Services. Feature of Quarkus that simplifies the development and testing of applications the development and testing of applications that rely on external services such as databases
such as databases, messaging systems and other resources. - Openshift CLI
- Openshift Developer Sandbox Account.
You can download the complete code at the following Github Repo.
1. Creating the Quarkus project.
mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:3.16.2:create \ -DprojectGroupId=dev.mikeintoch \ -DprojectArtifactId=camel-simple-ollama \ -Dextensions="camel-quarkus-core,quarkus-langchain4j-core,quarkus-langchain4j-ollama,camel-quarkus-langchain4j-chat,camel-quarkus-platform-http,camel-quarkus-yaml-dsl"
2. Configure Quarkus to run Ollama LLM.
Following instructions will be executed on Visual Studio Code.
Open application.properties file and add following lines:
#Configure Ollama local model quarkus.langchain4j.ollama.chat-model.model-id=qwen2.5:0.5b quarkus.langchain4j.ollama.chat-model.temperature=0.0 quarkus.langchain4j.ollama.log-requests=true quarkus.langchain4j.log-responses=true quarkus.langchain4j.ollama.timeout=180s
** Quarkus uses Ollama to run llm locally and also autowire configuration for the use in apache camel components in the following steps. **
3. Creating Apache Camel route using Kaoto.
Create new folder named route into src/main/resources folder.
Create new file into src/main/resources/routes folder and named ollama-route.camel.yaml and Visual Studio Code opens Kaoto visual editor.
Click on the +New button and a new Route will be created.
Click on 3 dots icon into timer component and select Replace.
Search and select into Catalog the platform-http component.
Configure required platform-http properties:
- Set Path with value /camel/chat
By default the platform-http will be serving on port 8080.
Click on 3 dots on platform-http component and click on Add Step.
Search and select langchain4j-chat component in catalog.
Configure required langchain4j-chat properties:
- Set Chat Id with value myllm.
- Set Chat Operation with CHAT_MULTIPLE_MESSAGES
You must process the user input message to langchain4j-chat component able to use then select 3 dots in langchain4j component and select Prepend
Search and select Process Component in the catalog.
Configure required properties:
- Set Ref with value createChatMessage.
** The process component will use createChatMessage method you will create in the following step. **
4. Create Process to send user input to LLM.
Create new Java Class into src/main/java folder named Bindings.java
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.camel.BindToRegistry; import org.apache.camel.Exchange; import org.apache.camel.Processor; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; import dev.langchain4j.data.message.ChatMessage; import dev.langchain4j.data.message.UserMessage; public class Bindings extends RouteBuilder{ @Override public void configure() throws Exception { // Routes are loading in yaml files. } @BindToRegistry(lazy=true) public static Processor createChatMessage(){ return new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception{ String payload = exchange.getMessage().getBody(String.class); List<ChatMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>(); messages.add(new UserMessage(payload)); exchange.getIn().setBody(messages); } }; } }
** This class helps to create Camel Processor to transform the user input to an object can handle for langchain4j component in the route. **
5. Include our Route to be loaded by quarkus project.
Camel Quarkus supports several domain specific languages (DSLs) to define Camel Routes.
It is also possible to include yaml DSL routes adding following line on the application.properties file.
# routes to load camel.main.routes-include-pattern = routes/*.yaml
** This will be load all routes in the src/main/resources/routes folder.**
6. Test the app locally.
Run the application using Maven, open a Terminal in Visual Studio code and run following command.
mvn quarkus:dev
Once it has started, Quarkus call ollama and run locally your llm, open a terminal and verifiy with the following command.
ollama ps NAME ID SIZE PROCESSOR UNTIL qwen2.5:0.5b a8b0c5157701 1.4 GB 100% GPU 4 minutes from now
To test the app send a POST request to localhost:8080/camel/chat with a plain text body input.
If everything was successful, you receive an answer from LLM model.
7. Connect to Red Hat Developer Sandbox.
You need access to the Red Hat Developer Sandbox, if you don't have please follow this article to get one.
Login into Developer Sandbox and click on your username and select "Copy login command"
Copy text in the "Log in with this token" section and paste in Terminal on Visual Studio Code
oc login --token=YOUR_TOKEN --server=https://YOUR_SANDBOX_API:6443
Change to your personal project
oc project yourusername-dev
8. Deploy your LLM on Developer Sandbox.
To deploy your llm in the sandbox you can use following file, is using same llm mode you run locally
Then run in a terminal following command and wait for a minute.
oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mikeintoch/camel-ollama-chat/refs/heads/main/llm-server.yaml
Due to this a new pod running llm in Developer Sandbox.
9. Deploy App in Developer Sandbox
Add the quarkus extension to deploy on Openshift, run in terminal the following command.
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="io.quarkus:quarkus-openshift"
Open application.properties file and add property to lanchain4j component connect with llm server on the Developer Sandbox.
Add properties to deploy on Red Hat Developer Sandbox
%prod.quarkus.openshift.route.expose=true %prod.quarkus.openshift.deploy=true
** You want to test the application immediately then set the quarkus.openshift.route.expose config property to true to expose the service automatically. **
Now, using maven to deploy on the Developer Sandbox environment.
mvn install
After a few minutes, a new pod will be deployed in your project.
Once deployment is done, get the route of the app
oc get route camel-simple-chat -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}{"\n"}'\n
And use to call the endpoint and verify the app works.
And That's it!